I have been meaning to get back on to say hello for a few days now. Time has just not permitted. However, here I am now and I am going to play catch up from the weekend. First up? The spelling error referenced here. As you can see in the below picture, I made a BIG boo-boo! The two people that commented about the error were correct. Yay!! I have now updated my header so I no longer have to have that hanging over my head.
One of the main events of my weekend was decorating a cake. I do some cake decorating on the side when I have extra time. This time was for Maddox, who was turning two. I am very pleased with the way this one turned out. I used Oreos for the dirt piles and everything else is icing (exept for the toy tractors). I was told Monday that the cake was a huge hit. Comments like those make all my decorating worth it!
Sunday was filled with all things church. Another awesome day in the Lord's house. I hope your weekend was as great as ours! Happy Tuesday, y'all!
That cake is awesome!! Great job. And the low country boil looks so yummy too!!