Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Spelling, A Cake, and Our Weekend

I have been meaning to get back on to say hello for a few days now. Time has just not permitted. However, here I am now and I am going to play catch up from the weekend. First up? The spelling error referenced here. As you can see in the below picture, I made a BIG boo-boo! The two people that commented about the error were correct. Yay!! I have now updated my header so I no longer have to have that hanging over my head.

One of the main events of my weekend was decorating a cake. I do some cake decorating on the side when I have extra time. This time was for Maddox, who was turning two. I am very pleased with the way this one turned out. I used Oreos for the dirt piles and everything else is icing (exept for the toy tractors). I was told Monday that the cake was a huge hit. Comments like those make all my decorating worth it!

Saturday evening, we had a couple over for dinner from our church. Daddy J fixed a low country boil and it was awesome. Notice the "Red Lobster biscuts" in the background? They are homemade. Compliments of Momma J! Oh, just kidding. We found the Red Lobster Cheddar Bay biscut mix at Sam's Club this past week and that was our first attempt at making them. They were EXACTLY like Red Lobster's biscuts and they were AWESOME! In addition to this lovely dinner, we had chocolate covered strawberries made by Daddy J. We had a wonderful time of food and fellowship and a round of Phase 10 until the wee hours of the morning. I actually tied for first place!

Sunday was filled with all things church. Another awesome day in the Lord's house. I hope your weekend was as great as ours! Happy Tuesday, y'all!

1 comment:

  1. That cake is awesome!! Great job. And the low country boil looks so yummy too!!


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